One of the questions that comes up frequently when talking about LIS career options is freelancing. Does it make sense to pick up freelance work if you already have a job? The answer very much depends on your individual life circumstances, but for me, freelancing has been integral to my career growth (and opportunities) from the beginning.
Benefits of freelancing
Freelancing – also known these days
as side-gigs, side-hustles, and project work – can be a great career “add-on.”
It can give you a modest source of income in addition to your full-time job
salary, it can help you build out your professional portfolio to include
demonstrations of additional skills, and it can help you expand the network of
people who have first-hand knowledge of those terrific skills.
Freelancing can also offer some pretty interesting psychological benefits. It can provide a greater sense of financial stability (alternative/additional revenue stream) in the midst of ongoing workplace upheaval. It can provide a sense of purpose and autonomy, offsetting the lack of same in a less-than-rewarding job. And freelancing can also provide you with the added confidence that comes from knowing you control some aspect of your career, that your employer doesn’t “own” all of your efforts or intellectual abilities.
Additionally, and probably increasingly important in these days of workplace disruption, freelancing can start building potential pathway to a new job or career, offering some hope if pink slips seem to be falling all around you.
Freelancing while
While I was a single mom, I needed
the steady, reliable income of a full-time, permanent job. Fortunately, I had a
job that I loved as an information advisor to the CEO of a large telecom
company. Later I worked as a managing/acquisitions editor for a publishing company,
the developer of an information center for a newly established cultural
institution, the interim head of an MLIS program, and the developer of the
first virtual academic library, among other positions.
While I had all of these full-time jobs, however, I also always did freelance jobs on the side. It was part of my “exit strategy” – I always knew I could walk away from a job if I needed to and pick up additional freelance jobs. But it was also a part of my mental-health strategy – I needed to know that my career was independent of my employer, and my freelance work gave me the sense of independence and freedom I craved.
None of my freelance gigs was particularly glamorous – mostly researching, writing, editing, some information organization projects, a bit of training and coaching, and even proofreading – but they all represented potential career paths that could, if necessary or desired, be developed into more robust (and lucrative) professional opportunities.
And, in fact, almost all of them have developed into major revenue streams for me now, as I am asked to take on larger projects (at higher prices, thank you!) by clients who’ve worked with me through the years. Those freelance gigs over the years turned into Dority & Associates, Inc., my solo-entrepreneur content development business. (The “Associates” refers to the information-professional colleagues I bring in to work with me on various projects.)
Freelancing as
a way to test going independent
In fact, freelancing can be a great
way to test whether going independent is something that might appeal to you,
without having anything at risk. You quickly find out whether you’re willing to
give up your evenings and/or weekends when necessary, you discover how well you
manage your time, you determine whether you like working with clients, and you
find out whether you’re able and willing to ask a client for money. Also, you can
test approaches to marketing to see how comfortable you are with this role.
In an era where we’re all self-employed, side-gigs can be one of your best ways to ensure professional independence and income resiliency.
To Learn More….
The Economy of You: Discover Your Inner Entrepreneur and Recession-Proof Your Life. Kimberly Palmer, AMACOM, 2014. 256p. ISBN 978-0814432730.
Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive. Dorie Clark, Harvard Business Review Press, 2017. 272p. ISBN 9781633692275
The Reluctant Entrepreneur: Making a Living Doing What You Love. Mary Ellen Bates, Niwot Press, 2014. 216p. ISBN 978-0615975955.
Side Hustle: From Idea to Income in 27 Days. Chris Guillebeau, Crown Business, 2017. 272p. ISBN 978-1524758844. rid Table