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Digital Asset Management: Career-Path Intro

Full disclosure here, everything I know about digital asset management I owe to the good graces and generous knowledge-sharing of Deb Fanslow, MLIS (above), a contributor to one of the key resources in this field, DAMNews, aka “Digital Asset Management News, Reviews, Trends & Opinion.” I had an opportunity to interview Deb for a client project, and was fascinated by the breadth and variety of career opportunities digital asset management represents. (See more about Deb here, here, and here.) (more…)

4 Reasons Why Asking to Connect on LinkedIn is Not Stalking

Recently I had a conversation with a colleague who is bright, extremely competent, and someone I turn to for great ideas and feedback on a regular basis. In other words, this is a colleague (and friend) you really want in your life because she brings so much value to it.

However, during our conversation she mentioned that she hesitates to ask people to connect on LinkedIn because it feels a bit like she’s stalking them. (more…)

Invest/Maintain/Kill: Awful Way to Treat Employees, But Smart Way to Manage Your Career


I’ll admit I’m not a big fan of Yahoo CEO Melissa Mayer, and the spate of recent articles about her stealth layoff approach (here’s one) remind me of one of the things I like best about being an independent information professional (i.e., no one’s going to lay me off).

But as I read the articles, I was struck by what a terrific approach the Invest/Maintain/Kill mantra could be for your career. If you’re the type who regularly (okay, at least annually) does a career review, sorting out your priorities along these lines can help focus your efforts in ways most likely to keep you moving toward your goals. What might the invest/maintain/kill approach look like? (more…)